Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Update from the road

No time to upload photos, but wanted to let blog-watchers know that all is well. We had fun exploring Washington DC, and then more fun at Jess' ten year college reunion (at Smith) last weekend. Now we're in Connecticut visiting her family.

Garin is enjoying himself, except for some stress brought on by teeth 5 and 6 which are making their way into his mouth (making 4 upper and 2 lower teeth now). They're a bit (no pun intended) ahead of schedule; his motto is "all the better to eat everything I can get my hands on". Except wheat - we gave him a piece of bread and he erupted in little red spots. No more wheat for now, we'll give it a try again in a few months.

We leave here on Friday to go up to Providence for the Brown reunion (not officially ten years for Mel, but close enough). From there we're not sure exactly what we'll be doing, but we have to be back at Smith on May 31 to move in and so that Mel can start orientation.

Photos of the travels soon, when we have a little more time . . .

Hello Jess....
Long time no see... this is Pei Yin, Reba told me about this blog. Garin is so so so cute!!! I am so happy for you guys.... Please say hi for me to Mel... hope to see you guys one day!!!
Hi chicas,
Thought I'd check the blog to see how you're doing! We miss you in Charleston! The move went well and we're trying to get settled, though I don't think that'll be happening anytime in the near future. We have Garin withdrawls often, I imagine he's a big child now. Hope your having fun and good luck with classes Mel.

Hugs to Garcito!!
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