Monday, April 30, 2007


The Rest of the Austin Photos

Sorry about the teaser that there would be lots of posts with the Austin photos, turns out real life is busier than vacation so we haven't had time to work on the blog. In any case, here are more photos from Austin:

First, Garin got to meet some babies whose parents were in childbirth class with us. Here he is with Milo and with Ingrid, both of whom were born in early August (Garin is just absurdly large for his age).

And speaking of large, Willie the cat gave Garin a run for his money in the heavyweight department:

It's an Austin tradition to take photos with the bluebonnets (Texas state flower). Lucky us, we were there at the right time of year. (And yes, that's a stuffed bat in the boy's mouth - Austin is home to the largest urban bat colony in the U.S., maybe in the world, don't remember.)

Last but not least, he enjoyed gambling and going out for margaritas. As any six month old should.

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