Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Camping Weekend

We went camping with a bunch of friends for the first time last weekend at Hunting Island, about two hours south of Charleston. It was Garin's first camping trip and his first time in the ocean, both things he seemed to really enjoy.

Here he is waking up in the tent. A bit confused, but very excited. (The first photo was taken through the mesh "window" on the tent, it looks so cool we had to post it.)He got some beach time and discovered that he likes to eat sand and chew on shells. We tried to discourage both of those behaviors.

This will probably be the last post for awhile - next week we leave for Massachusetts/Connecticut/Rhode Island for the summer. We'll post from there, but who knows how frequently.

So Northampton is 162 miles from NYC. I wonder what kind of public transportation I might be able to take. I know you are going to be way busy this summer, so I'll see what I can do to come visit!
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