Monday, October 16, 2006


Dixie Plantation

Baby's first trip to a plantation. No joke. The College of Charleston owns a plantation. And it's called "Dixie Plantation". (We do not make up any of this. Promise.) Really, it's just a nice area outside town with cool trees and marshland, a lovely place to go for a Sunday morning walk which is what we did yesterday. (It's fun that the weather is turning chilly - Garin gets to wear all his bundle-up clothes.)

Garin loves his sling - it has allowed us to take him to numerous places like restaurants, bars, and coffee shops giving him his own space, and letting mom have both hands free (he usually just sleeps anyway, as you can see here). (Mel is excited to note that those are not maternity jeans-first time back in "real" jeans.)

Ahh...looks like the two of you have everything well in hand! I cannot wait to see my newest nephew...he need anything by the way? I mean, besides for Daddy Jessie to lose that dreadful Patriots hat? ;)
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