Thursday, September 21, 2006


First Few Days

(despite the post title, these pictures (besides the belly one) are all from Monday, Garin's second day - we realized since he's wearing the same outfit in all of them - we do change his clothes, don't worry!)

Hard to believe that fewer than 36 hours before this photo was taken that baby somehow fit in that abdomen! (Just for comparison, here's the last photo of the big belly - taken during labor.)

Obligatory "our baby is SO cute" photos . . .

And evidently when you're a really hungry baby, Jess' biceps is as good a snack as any (she has the baby hickies to prove it).

Congratulations moms! What a gigantic cutie!
Congratulations again, and thanks for posting the pictures - he is cute!! (Which, when you have such cute moms, is hardly a surprise!)
Hey, I've always thought Jess' biceps looked tasty - that's a smart baby. Congrats, moms!
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