Saturday, July 28, 2007


Rainy, Sleepy Day (or so we thought)

This morning there were amazing thunderstorms here in Northampton. Garin fooled us into thinking that he might take a nap downstairs (after he refused to go to sleep upstairs in bed).

"I have my blanket and pillow . . . and I'm really sleepy . . . I'll make my nest" "I'll lie down for a moment . . . and I might fall asleep . . . PSYCH!"
"Maybe in my "baby cage" . . . nope, even if you make it nice and dark, I'll pop back up!
No nap for me today!"

Oh my goodness, he is so old! I dont' know why I'm consistently caught by surprise when time passes, but I am...

Please send me pictures of him, I'm starting a baby wall (enough of my friends have reproduced now that I need it to keep track of them all. ;)

Auntie Yam
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