Thursday, February 28, 2008


Garin and Anya

Anya, the psycho-kitty, is still Garin's favorite feline. Nonni Reba just sent me this video clip of them playing today, I think it was taken with the cell phone so it's a bit grainy, but it's super cute. The fake laughing is especially funny, what's that all about?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Baby's Got a New Pair of Shoes

Momma's shoes are way cool and match my outfit (and the blog template) so well!

Too bad I can't actually walk in them.


Have to remember I can't rotate videos!

Augh - this is a super cute video, but I always forget that I have to keep the camera oriented horizontally because I can't rotate the videos. So, tilt your head and don't get too dizzy.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Family Visit

Grammy and Great-Cousin Sandy came to visit a couple weeks ago (sorry that every post starts with "a couple weeks ago" these days, school is keeping the moms busy - one teaching, the other studying - so time for posts is tough to come by). But anyway - Garin had lotsa fun with his out-of-town guests

He took Sandy to the beach to show her sand and shells and commiserate about how humidity makes hair get all curly.
He took Grammy to the park to feed the ducks and go for a bike ride.

He also read lots of books, sang songs, and played with them, but evidently we weren't in a big photo-taking mood that weekend because we didn't get a lot of pictures.

Friday, February 08, 2008


Snowstorm! (kinda)

Well, by southern standards at least. A couple weekends ago when Jess & Garin were visiting Atlanta, it snowed! (Up to a couple inches in some areas, this was big news for this city which pretty much shut down & people freaked out - the lines at the grocery store of people buying water, milk, bread, and beer were out of control.) But the fun part of it all was that Garin got his first real snow experience.He didn't quite know what to make of it, but he thought it was pretty fun.Until he went inside and experienced that prickly feeling when numb fingers and toes thaw. That made him very scared and sad (needless to say, we didn't take pictures of the crying).

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